First Generation (F1) Cavoodles also known as Cavapoo, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Toy Poodle parents ( 50% Cavalier and 50% Toy Poodle ), both parents are DNA tested. They are Low/ non shedding which makes them a hypoallergenic breed.
Cavoodles have soft fleece like coats that can be wavy or curly, long floppy ears, round faces and the most beautiful eyes. They are real life teddy bears.
We have produced Reds & Lattes with White markings.
First Generation (F1) Moodles also known as Multipoo, Maltese and Toy Poodle parents ( 50% Maltese and 50% Toy Poodle ), both parents are DNA tested. They are Low/ non shedding which makes them a hypoallergenic breed.
Moodles have soft fleece like coats that can be straight, wavy or curly, short teddy bear ears, and are the smallest of the Oodle crosses.